I was recently billed for the annual fee for this blog. That made me realize that I hadn't posted anything in nearly eight months. So I figured that I should post something to let people know that I'm still alive.
I've already mentioned that I had my right adrenal gland removed at the end of July 2025. Everything related to my procedure went well, and so by late 2025 I was once again getting over another round of surgery. Unfortunately, my insomnia was still giving me problems. It wasn't as bad as it had been, but it was still an issue.
Whenever I can't sleep properly, I manage to do most of what I normally do, but, as you can easily imagine, it becomes harder to concentrate on my scholarship. My Wagner project, however, is so demanding that I can't really work on it at all when my insomnia becomes especially acute.
In late October I went back to my primary care physician for my annual physical. She suggested a different medication, and, much to my surprise, it has proved to work remarkably well. It made a difference as soon as I took it, even on the first night. So ever since then I've been sleeping ten hours almost every night. I'm confident that I've never slept so well for so long as an adult (and probably not even as a child).
Because nothing else has changed about my sleep schedule, I still fall asleep absurdly late. And now that I'm sleeping for so long, I get up absurdly late in the day, usually in the mid-afternoon. Although I'm much more rested, nonetheless it feels strange to be so out of sync with the rest of the world. But at least I'm now rested enough to resume daily work on my scholarly projects.
Which means that have I good news! I'm back to work on my Wagner translation! Woo-hoo!
Because I lost most of last year to dealing with my surgery, I didn't have much of a feel for my previous efforts when I looked at the manuscript again a few weeks ago. I gave the situation some thought and decided that the best thing to do was to revise my work from beginning to end.
So that's what I'm doing now, re-reading everything, revising here and there, and trying to settle some of the outstanding issues that have dogged my progress. The work is going well, I'm happy to say.
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